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Advanced Conditions

Conditions determine when a rank is implicitly applied to a player. Typically, ranks are awarded based on some player activity, e.g. a "Senior" role can be applied if a player has been on the server for a certain amount of time.

Advanced conditions are so-called because they require a collection of fields to be supplied to configure how they work, as a config subsection in the ranks.snbt file. For this reason, it's not uncommon to edit the config file manually to add an advanced condition, although it is also possible to use commands.

All advanced conditions have a type field, which identifies the condition being added. All other fields are specific to the condition, and are described along with each condition below.


Example of using a command to set an advanced condition for the "senior" rank:

/ftbranks condition senior { type: "playtime", time: 3, time_unit: weeks }


admin: {
name: "Op and At Spawn"
power: 1000
condition: {
type: "and"
conditions: [
{ type: "op" }
{ type: "spawn" }

The "and" conditions allows combining of two or more subconditions. The rank applies to the player if all of the subconditions match.


  • conditions - a list of the subconditions, all of which must be matched for this condition to apply


admin: {
name: "In the Overworld"
power: 1000
condition: {
type: "dimension"
dimension: "minecraft:overworld"

The "dimension" condition checks the dimension that a player is currently in; the rank applies to the player if they are in the specified dimension.


  • dimension is the dimension ID of the dimension to be checked, e.g. minecraft:overworld or minecraft:the_nether


admin: {
name: "Not in the Nether"
power: 1000
condition: {
type: "not"
condition: { type: "dimension", "dimension": "minecraft:the_nether" }

The "not" condition takes a single subcondition; the rank applies to the player if the subcondition does not match.


  • condition - one subcondition, which must not be matched for this condition to apply


admin: {
name: "Op or One Week Played or Creative Mode"
power: 1000
condition: {
type: "or"
conditions: [
{ type: "op" }
{ type: "playtime", "time": 1, "time_unit": "weeks" }
{ type: "creative_mode"}

The "or" condition allows combining of two or more subconditions. The rank applies to the player if any of the subconditions match.


  • conditions - a list of the subconditions, at least one of which must be matched for this condition to apply


admin: {
name: "Admin"
power: 1000
condition: {
type: "playtime"
time: 3
time_unit: "weeks"

When the "playtime" condition is applied to a role it is given to any player that has played for a certain number of time units.


  • time is the number of time units the player must have been on the server for
  • time_unit is one of the following:
    • "ticks"
    • "seconds"
    • "minutes"
    • "hours"
    • "days"
    • "weeks"

If a time_unit is not supplied it will default to ticks (and a warning will be logged when the config is loaded by the server).


admin: {
name: "Has the 'xyz' rank"
power: 1000
condition: {
type: "rank_added"
rank: "xyz"

The "rank_added" condition can be used to check if a player has some other rank. This rank applies to the player if they also have the other rank. This is a fairly esoteric condition, but could be used to simplify the usage of complex compound conditions, where you might otherwise end up with multiple levels of nested and/or/not conditions.


  • rank - the rank to check


admin: {
name: "Walked at least 5000m (500000cm)"
power: 1000
condition: {
type: "stat"
stat: "minecraft:walk_one_cm"
value: 500000
value_check: >=

The "stat" condition can be used to compare a player's Minecraft Statistics with a given value. This rank applies to the player if the given stat value for the player satisfies the check.


  • stat is the resource location for the stat to check. All default stats added by vanilla can be seen at It is possible that some mods may add extra custom stats.
  • value is an integer value to be compared against the stat's returned values
  • value_check determines how to compare the stat's value against the supplied value. It is one of:
    • equals or ==
    • not_equals or not or !=
    • greater or >
    • greater_or_equal or >=
    • lesser or <
    • lesser_or_equal or <=

If omitted, value_check defaults to equals.


admin: {
name: "Only one of Op or One Week Played"
power: 1000
condition: {
type: "xor"
conditions: [
{ type: "op" }
{ type: "playtime", "time": 1, "time_unit": "weeks" }

The "xor" condition allows combining of two or more subconditions. The rank applies to the player if only one of the subconditions matches.


  • conditions - a list of the subconditions, exactly one of which must be matched for this condition to apply